четверг, 11 июня 2015 г.

Our "How Google works?" podcast (Yuri, Sasha & Vlad)

четверг, 28 мая 2015 г.

My Learning Blog this year

     This year I have been blogging about E-Safety, gaming projects, creating gaming characters. I was also posting my progress on studying programming. I have been using Scratch, particulary forever loop, than I have been designing my own game using Scratch - PacMan. Than I have CAD - which stands for Computer Aided Design using Google Scetch Up, I have been working on deisgning my own model of house, as I am not very artistic person I have not done it very well. I have also been blogging about my other works on ICT such as computer history, algorhytms, computer systems.
     The aim of my blog this year was to practise my blogging and communication skills as I might need them in my future life. Also I use my blog to represent my progress and my work for Computer Science, in visual way.
     I created my blog using website blogger.com.
     My blog contains all my ICT works I have been doing throughout the year, including programming, computer history, podcasting, computer aided design.
     Some thing went awll this year, they were stydying the history of the computers, I found it very interesting and entertaining as well as programming. I did particullary liked styding how computer works and what is inside of it, also I enjoyed learning about algorhytms and how they are set up.
   Some things went badly. They were stydying programming, especially coding, beacause I dont understand how the numbers are working in the programm, to be ownest I also find programming boring, I also didn't do well on Computer Aided Design as I am not very artistic person, and my right side of the brain is not working well.
    When I blog again next year I will try to make more posts with ALL my work  and include even more visual representation, as well I will try to be much less distructed on the lesson, and spend more time on actually studying but now chatting and massing around with friends. I should also do my best to post all my work on time. ^_^


четверг, 23 апреля 2015 г.

четверг, 16 апреля 2015 г.

четверг, 12 марта 2015 г.

Computer Aided Design

CAD stands for Computer Aided Desing. It might me used by engeneers, programmers, designers, architects, and some other profesions. The advantages of CAD is that it is much safer, so you can plan what are you going to build before atually building it, so you can finds correct proportions, mass, so your building\structure does not collapse. I learned how to create rectangles, circles, paint bucket, and push\pull tool. Hoping to improve and learn more about using and working on Google ScetchUp.

четверг, 26 февраля 2015 г.


For last two weeks I have been working on my PacMan game. As I dont really fully understand programming it took me so long. So finally I have finished it. But still my game board need some editing. What do you think should I involve into it?

четверг, 15 января 2015 г.